Hello designers! We hope you’re enjoying and making use of our posts and are learning new things along the way. We love to see how you are making use of our design posts and tutorials. Today we are bringing you some really great creative advertisement ideas. In today’s fast paced times, catching the attention of the right people in the shortest possible time and maintaining their interest and intrigue has become almost a necessity for advertisers and their clients alike. In such a case, designers need to pull every trick up their sleeve that they know and put it to good use to make a lasting, clever and creative advertising idea.
For the most part, creating and developing the idea will be done by the creative team within the ad agency and the designer will simply have to follow through the concept and create it. However, some designers take the creative process into their own hands and in this way really hold the steering wheel of the idea and its design. Since advertising is all about catching a person’s interest and maintaining it long enough in order to build it further, advertising ideas have to be catchy, to the point and interesting.
In our showcase below, you’ll see some really clever creative ideas pertaining to the world of advertising. You have to keep in mind that people will generally glance over advertisements without a second look, but you have to make them stop and look closely.
Therefore, the idea has to be really, really good. Ideas sell; it’s as simple as that. It doesn’t have to be a grand idea, just a good one. Often combining two or similar trains of thought into a single idea works really well as you’ll see in some examples below.
Be sure to check out all these creative advertising ideas before your next design venture into the world of advertising.
Sport Still Lives Inside You
Mini Logging Car
Projective Hand
Much Bigger Movies
Be Stupid
Flooding the Subway
McDonald’s: Pole
Neglected Children
Bose Nose Reduction Headphones
Nikon D700 : Paparazzi
If You Can’t Have It, Build It
Before it’s too late
Coca Cola
Nikon – Face Detection
Volkswagen Crafter
The Lenovo IdeaPad comes with Face Recognition Security