Simple Logos

Sometimes, you’re just looking for the simple beauty of a simple, minimalist logo design. So designers, today we’re brining you an entire collection of some breathtaking, beautiful simple logos for your inspiration.

Often, the simplest things are the most beautiful and the old adage of less is more is particularly noteworthy in this respect, especially in modern art and designs, as you’ll find in these inspiring logos. If you think you know everything you need to know about modern, simple, sleek looking logos, think again! You will be amazed at how striking these simple logos can look just with a little bit of creativity and quirky style. Design is all about creating harmony and if you can do between a great idea and a great design, the execution will not be a problem at all.

As you learn through different stages of becoming a designer, you’ll pick up different styles along the way and as you study them, you’ll become a good designer, so browse through our collection below and wade your way through these wonderful designs.

Simple logos for Your Inspiration

Simple logos for Your Inspiration

Simple logo for Your Inspiration

Simple Logos Inspiration

Simple Logos Inspiration

Simple Logo Inspiration

Simple Logo Inspiration

Minimal Logos Inspiration

Minimal Logo Inspiration

Minimalist Logos Inspiration

Minimalist Logo Inspiration

Minimal Logos Inspiration

Minimal Logo Inspiration

Minimal Logos Design

Minimal Logos Designs

Minimal Logo Design

Minimal Logos Design

Minimalist Logo Design

Minimalist Logo Designs

Minimalist Logos Design

Minimalist Logo Designs


Simplicity is a way of life, and you can find it in nature, in things and places around you as well, and often these are the very things that will drive your inspiration; use them to create simple logos like these.

Published by Creative Stall

Creative stall is a place where you’ll find free and premium design resources from a team of designers around the globe. We’re focused on sharing modern, unique and creative design resources.


  1. Inspiring collection. Loving it, Thanks for the motivational post.


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