In our collection of add-ons today, we are presenting more than a 100 wonderful flat color swatches for you. This collection comes in a variety of handy colors and has been but together in three groups for your ease of use.
They are classified in popular colors, color by color, infographic colors and retro colors. All are color swatches that you will find really easy to use and definitely a time saver, since you won’t have to make a color swatch from scratch. There are bold and vibrant colors, pastel shades, and dull shades.
What’s Includes?
- 4 .aco files for Adobe Photoshop
- 4 .ase files for Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator
- All color swatches are also available in a separate PSD File
Download these cool color swatches for your user interfaces, websites, infographics, vector graphics or whatever you want!